Colegio Amparo opened in February of 2022 and serves over 250 students in grades from kindergarten to secondary school
(currently grade 9). The school is adding one grade each year as students advance up to 12th grade will a full graduation.

Amparo believes the best way to serve students is to teach vocational skills along with basic reading, writing, math, social studies and sciences.
Vocational skills will help these young people flourish and prosper in their communities where vocational skills are required.
At Amparo, we believe a Christian school should be distinctly different than non-christian schools. Therefore, we believe in an integrated approach to Christian education with a particular focus on serving the physical and spiritual needs along with the educational needs of students.
We have a holistic approach, addressing the entire needs of the student. This includes their education, but also their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We help students navigate any social issues they may face from family violence and poverty, to health challenges.
Colegio Amparo is the culmination of three years of hard work and prayer. After being introduced to Mango in 2019 and running a vacation bible school for over a year, Brent & Michelle Ellingson came to realize that the real need in Mango was education. With the support of the community, Amparo was gifted 7 acres of land to build a school that would provide the children of Mango and the surrounding areas with a full and complete education.
Through a fundraising effort in Canada along with the hard work of many Mango residents and God guiding the way, Amparo was able to build a school with four classrooms, a community centre (Ranchon) for group functions, and two buildings for staff and visitors.

We are glad to be a school that has a unique approach in our delivery. At Amparo, we understand that the atmosphere and motivation of the students affects their ability to learn.
We endeavour to create a warm, welcoming, interactive community within the classroom setting, where students can interact and share ideas while feeling safe and respected.