Mango is a community of approximately 350 families.
More than 75% of the population of the regions lives in extreme poverty.
The rate of illiteracy in this rural area is over 55%.
As much as 80% of one's income goes towards food.
Mango is accessible only by a 4hr boat ride downriver from Tortuguero, which is a 12hr drive from Managua.
Mango has no electricity or running water.
Previously, Mango's school only went to grade 6.
Thanks to Amparo, Mango has a basic health centre.

The mission that Amparo longs to share with you is simple. As you join us in serving the families of Mango, you are helping share God’s love and the message of the gospel—bringing hope to people in both practical and spiritual ways.
Our school has transformed this remote region from one of hopelessness to one of promise and optimism. We have over 200 students enrolled in our primary and secondary grades as well as our weekend learning program, teaching adults to read and write for the first time. The community has seen an economic boost through the construction of the school and that is continuing with the addition of good jobs created by Colegio Amparo.
Help us continue to make this community flourish and share in providing the gift of education!